
To aid national renewal and support our military, SOS America (Service over Self) is building a broad-based membership organization that advocates adoption of the SOS program.

Please join us as your support demonstrates national commitment.

Four membership levels plus a contribution option follow.

Patriot (Monthly)
$10 / Month


  • SOS Members only area and newsletter
  • Congressional Contact Portal
National (Annual)
$150 / Year


  • Patriot Benefits Plus+
  • On-Site Recognition
  • Free Affinity Annual Membership (Pritzker Military Museum & Library)
American Leadership (Annual)
$1,000 / Year


  • National Benefits Plus+
  • Signed Copy of Taps on the Walls
  • Invitation, Memorial Day Ceremony
Spirit Of America (Lifetime)
$10,000 / Once


  • American Leadership Benefits Plus+
  • Lifetime Membership
  • VIP seating and recognition at  Memorial Day Event
  • Advisory Board Membership

Additional or In Lieu of Membership Contribution

(An IRS recgonized 501(c)4 Not for Profit organization but donation is not tax deductible)

(An IRS recognized 501(c)19 veteran’s organization, like a 501(c)3, donation is tax deductible)